Customer Background:
Samagra is Kerala government's Official Learning Management System designed for the schools and students who follow the Kerala State syllabus. It has a potential user base of 160K+ teachers, 37+ lakh students their parents and government officials. As of today, Samagra has 100K+ teachers registered. Average Data Transfer from the Samagra today is 10TB per month and it’s expected to go beyond 25TB per month. It’s the channel to deliver digital classroom content to more than 45K smart classrooms in the state.
Business Challenges:
With such a potential user base, the Kerala government looked for a stable and scalable service-deployment plan for Samagra that could handle such large volumes of users on the website. They also had to ensure end-users receive the content with less delay, and it delivers a better overall experience for their customers. For such requirements, the Kerala government needed an IT solution which could quickly scale to meet rising demand at the same time.
Solutions: was chosen by the Kerala government to lead this migration project on AWS platform. Although Samagra had some preliminary concerns regarding scalability and server responsiveness, AWS has been extremely helpful in solving these issues. Amazon S3 and Amazon CloudFront deliver high-speed images to the site’s users while providing reliable and unlimited file storage. Because Amazon EC2 scales up or down according to usage, the auto-scaling feature of Amazon EC2 eliminates concerns about the Website handling peak-time operation. Elastic Load Balancing automatically distributes incoming application traffic so that processing is more efficient. With Amazon RDS, Samagra can successfully manage the database in a scalable and responsive way
Although security was not initially a key issue for Samagra, the Samagra team was extremely pleased to discover that the security measures of AWS were stringent enough to protect the website and its’ data.
Solution Architecture:

Business outcome achieved:
- Load time improved by around 43%
- Pre AWS it was 16 seconds and now it is around 9 seconds
- Average server response time for Kite Web Server dropped to 0.41 seconds from 1.03 sec a drop of almost 0.6 seconds 60% improvement
- The average page load time for Knowage Server is 6.1 seconds compared to 16 seconds earlier and average server response time 0.15 seconds instead of 1.2 seconds.
- Improved performance and scalability
- Samagra boosted the performance and scalability of the platform by designing resources to scale to meet demand as required. This also reduced the overall application footprint.