We have an amazing project manager
We have an amazing project manager, her name is Thuy and she is just understanding and tried her best to accommodate our requirements. Our impression is just positive on how our application is going.
The most cost effective solution on the market
Guaranteed pricing and competitive timelines
AI makes app building so easy, anybody can do it
Serving the world's leading brands
She asks about your idea and offers recommendations (based on every app we’ve ever built)
We’re so confident in Natasha’s predictions that we can guarantee your price upfront
They project manage everything for you, right through to a successful launch
Choose from our library of 600+ features and we can create any custom ones you need
Natasha finds the best designers and developers (she’s tested them all) for each task
It’s checked by AI and humans – and includes 1 year of Studio One, which keeps your app updated and protected
AI means we can automate manual, expensive processes
Think about it - the same components appear on apps all the time - for example, sign in screens or checkout pages. We reuse features and automate the manual processes using AI. So you spend less and get your app, exactly to your specifications, faster.
Our AI predicts both accurately
Before you start, you’ll get a guaranteed price and competitive timelines. We’ll also give you a free prototype to help visualise your final app so you can make any potential improvements before the build begins.
Build anything you can imagine
Our experts help bring your idea to life and support you throughout. You don’t even need to speak tech - the only limit is your imagination.
You can develop a wide range of fully customisable, feature-rich apps with Builder.ai. Here are some of the most popular mobile apps you can develop with us.
We make it fast, easy and cost-effective for you to create financial software. No tech skills required.
Learn moreImprove student engagement with gamification, personalisation and integrations with leading online course providers.
Learn moreAre you considering bespoke retail software? Simplify inventory management, generate staff schedules and make more sales.
Learn moreDeliver better patient experiences with cloud-based registration systems, appointment reminders and prescription dashboards.
Learn moreThen learn how to:
Create an app strategy to keep your project on track
Build an MVP to visualise your project and test functionality
Keyword optimise your app so it's visible on mobile app stores
See how companies like yours used Builder.ai’s app platform to help them achieve their business goals
OpiGo is building a community of over 5,000 investors
It’s difficult to know the right people to follow and the right stocks to invest in. That’s why more than 3000 investors use OpiGo to make the stock market easy and take control of their finances.
Fashtechi is disrupting the fashion industry.
This social-first fashion app that connects brands, influencers and customers, transforming the entire buyer journey and enhancing the sales experience for vendors.
How we helped Moodit’s users “crowdsource” positivity
With our help, Dr Hassan Yasin created a mental health app designed to help children and adolescents express their worries and improve their social connectedness.
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