Large Language Model (LLM)

LLM definition: How it works, use cases and advantages

What is a large language model (LLM)?

A large language model (LLM) is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) system designed that processes and generates human language. LLMs use millions of parameters and are trained on vast amounts of data. This allows them to perform tasks like answering questions, translating languages and generating images.

Some of the most popular large language models include ChatGPT by OpenAI and Gemini by Google.

How do LLMs work?

Large language models work by analysing vast amounts of text data to understand and generate human language. When you provide a text input, the model processes it using a transformer model architecture.

The transformer models consists of layers that understand different parts of the language, such as grammar and context.

The model predicts what the next word should be based on the previous words, helping it to create responses that are contextually relevant. It learns from the text it's been trained on, which allows it to do things like answer questions, translate languages‌ and write content.

What are LLMs used for?

LLMs can handle a variety of tasks efficiently. Some of the use cases for LLMs are:

1 - Code generation

Large language models can generate accurate code snippets for a specific task. They can even complete debug code based on natural language descriptions.

This helps developers write code more efficiently and can help in learning new programming languages.

2 - Text generation

LLMs can create various types of text, such as articles, blog posts, stories and reports. They can also answer complex questions like a human in a matter of seconds.

3 - Language translation

LLMs can translate text from one language to another, providing accurate and context-aware translations. They can also correct ‌grammatical errors in your content.

This is useful for understanding foreign content and localising products or services for different markets.

4 - Sentiment analysis

LLMs can analyse text to determine the sentiment behind it, such as positive, negative or neutral emotions.

This is used to understand sentiments expressed in customer feedback and social media comments.

5 - Conversational AI

LLMs power chatbots and virtual assistants, enabling them to engage in natural, human-like conversations.

They can handle customer inquiries, provide support, help with tasks and enhance user interaction in various applications.

How are LLMs different from Natural Language Processing (NLP)?

NLP focuses on computers understanding and interpreting human language like humans do. Simply put, NLP helps computers understand and interact with us through spoken and written language.

Where LLMs focus on leveraging deep learning to perform language tasks, NLP encompasses all methods and tools used to process human language.

LLMs are used for tasks that benefit from deep learning's ability to capture intricate language patterns, such as generating text or translating languages. NLP covers additional tasks like syntactic parsing, keyword extraction and traditional rule-based text processing.

Advantages of LLMs

Large language models have an immense potential for various applications, contributing to their widespread adoption. 👇

Increased efficiency

By automating complex language-related tasks, LLMs save time and resources. For instance, they can quickly generate content, translate languages or analyse sentiments, which would otherwise need significant human inputs.

Zero-shot learning

Due to their ability to handle tasks without specific training examples, LLMs can perform zero-shot learning. This means they can be used for ‌tasks for which they weren't trained.

For instance, you can use the same model to answer questions and translate language without retraining, making them highly versatile and flexible.


LLMs can handle large volumes of data and requests simultaneously, making them suitable for scalable applications in businesses. This includes automated customer support and data analysis.

Continuous learning

Advanced LLMs can be fine-tuned with new data, allowing them to continuously learn and adapt to new information and user needs. This keeps them up-to-date and improves their performance over time.

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