The cloud has revolutionized the way we live and do business. Now, we face the next step in the managed services journey. AWS Cloud Services made things simpler, faster and often cheaper. They solved a lot of the problems traditional hardware systems or on-premise data centers faced. At the same time, AWS created new complexities and issues.Plain and simple, the way Cloud Managed Services are deployed in the Amazon Web Service environment is different than how they work in the traditional on-premise services. As businesses started discovering the many benefits of cloud automation, they turned to control, monitoring and management of complex systems programmatically.
The benefits of increased speed, efficiency and control were immediately obvious as was the fact clients can relinquish the widely-used, traditional data center environment. It’s a significant change to the status quo, but a necessary one if you want to stay ahead of the competition and make your business model sustainable.
In the digital world, cloud managed services differ from the way traditional IT desktops or server management system are run. Cloud-based MSPs are more advanced, easier to manage remotely and are more time-efficient and scalable. Enterprises that learn to grow with cloud opportunities, like Amazon Web Service MSPs (AKA Managed Services Partners), are able to achieve greater control and visibility on the environments they manage.This is largely because traditional MSPs have to do a lot of ordering, waiting, installing and testing, which is time-consuming. This doesn’t mean that you should quit your on-premise MSP cold turkey but rather stop and think if it makes sense to switch to a Cloud MSP for your enterprise.When we talk about how cloud managed services are different in an AWS environment vs. traditional on premises, we can narrow it down to three core aspects.
Cloud Managed Services vs Traditional Managed Services
#1 Less hardware, more cloud
We already know traditional data centers are hardware-based, and limited within a local network. This means the MSP will need to perform updates, monitoring and maintenance in-house. And this slows things down, resulting in inefficiencies.When we talk about the cloud, most people envision an off-premise data center that stores data anywhere over the internet. But the cloud is so much more than its’ location. It’s its ubiquity that’s relevant as it allows your Cloud MSP to perform any update, monitoring and maintenance from any location. It doesn’t get any more quick and efficient than that.
#2 From customer-focused to customer-driven
Enterprises often overlook that an MSP is also supposed to make things easier for their customers as well. In an increasingly globalized world, traditional MSPs are falling behind due to how long it takes them to deal with ordering, waiting, installing and testing.But Cloud MSPs are a few laps ahead due to their versatility and ease of operation, guaranteeing that everything is taken care of 100% by AWS. By retaining full control and visibility on the environments they manage, businesses know they are fulfilling the end goal--and keeping their consumers happy.
#3 One small step for MSP, one giant leap for your enterprise
When we talk about DevOps, you don’t have to dive in head first. Try starting with auto-scaling, for example. To deal with such areas of levels of automation, complexity and processes successfully, you will likely require the expertise of Cloud Managed Service Providers.You’re just as much on a journey as your customers, albeit a different one. And on this journey, a Cloud Managed Service Provider can guide you. So you’re walking on clouds in the new digital landscape of the 21st century. Have you thought about making the most out of your cloud? Our human-assisted AI works in the background to buy forward capacity from partners including Amazon Web Services to ensure that we can provide you with capacity exactly when you need it, and at the best price possible. We are the largest AWS partners in India and help move your infrastructure in a way that optimises costs.
What's more: our prepaid AWS cloud vastly improves monitoring for enterprises, allowing for controlled spending and fixed budgets, automated tracking, local currency support, with all information displayed in real time on an easy-to-use dashboard. You can mitigate the challenges of paying for cloud services by managing your expenses upfront, and access the AWS Free Tier without needing to register their credit card. Come visit Builder Cloud and we’d love to help you move forward.
Thanks to the top image thanks to Christina Morillo.
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